
1949 Founded in Maruo-machi, Nagasaki-shi, as an institute of the Fisheries Agency
     (1 section, 3 devisions, 3 experimental stations)

1962  Moved to Kokubu-machi, Nagasaki-shi

2001  Founded as an institution of the Fisheries Research Agency

2003  Moved to the new buildings (Taira-machi, Nagasaki-shi)

2006  Integrated Yaeyama Station

2011  Reorganized 2 devisions and 3 research centers
       Integrated Goto and Amami Stations

2013  Build a new facility as the Research Center for Tuna Aquaculture

2016  Created a fusion of the Fisheries Research Agency and the National Fisheries University
    Established as the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency